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Weekly Update

St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church is a member of The Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC).

Sunday School classes are held at 9:00 a.m.

Worship will be held at 10 a.m. in the Sanctuary.

Pastor Jarrod’s email is: If you would like to meet with Pastor Jarrod, please call to make an appointment. He will be glad to meet with you.

New Facebook account: St. Matthew’s Luth. Church-We had issues with our previous Facebook account and had to create a new page.

Trunk or Treat Thursday, October 31st 6-7 p.m. All children of the church and community are invited! We will provide pizza for all participants. Please decorate your can and come to help us treat the ghost & goblins!

St. Matthew’s is taking donations to build a columbarium in the cemetery. The total estimated cost is $25,000. We currently have received approximately $9. 200 toward this project. When we receive half of the estimated cost we will order the columbarium. If you would like to donate to the building of the columbarium, please mark your check or envelope with “columbarium”. Thank you!

10:00 am Service Sept. 22, 2024

Current Offering: $ 5,165.00

Benevolence:$ 1,715.00

Attendance: 10 am - 204

Columbarium: $925.00

Loose Offering (Sunday School ): $236.25

Sunday School Att.: 621Offering:$193.00